
How to install nslookup, dig, host commands in Linux

This article will teach you how to install the dig and nslookup commands on Linux. These commands are used to troubleshoot networks and acquire information about domain names.

The bind-utils package includes the nslookup function. You will get an error when you attempt to nslookup any domain without bind-utils:

We know Nnslookup, Dig and host commands are not available on a freshly installed computer. As a result, we’ll have to install them manually on our servers. All of these commands are included in the bind-utils package. However, various operating systems have distinct package names.

I’ll be performing everything as the root user, but if you don’t have root access, you can install nslookup by adding sudo before each command.

By the way, installing Nsllokup on Linux is a rather simple procedure.

Sources for Ubuntu in my ubuntu list

root@serversupportz:~# cat /etc/apt/sources.list
deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu lucid main
deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu lucid-updates main
deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu lucid-security main
deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu lucid universe
deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu lucid-updates universe

In Ubuntu systems it is “dnsutils”

root@serversupportz:~# apt-get update
root@serversupportz:~# apt-get install dnsutils -y

In RHEL/Centos it will be bind-utils

root@serversupportz:~# yum install bind-utils

Well done! now You are succesfully installed nslookup, dig, host commands in Linux

If you are still having problems installing nslookup, you can contact Server Supportz. The server supportz is a cheap web hosting and server support provider based in the United States. They will work with you to have nslookup installed as soon as feasible.. Server supportz’s dedicated server management specialists will ensure that you always have access to a well-managed and secure server, with no hassle from hardware or software troubleshooting.

MySQL Performance tuning script

What is MySQL performance tuning and what does it mean ?

The MySQL configuration contains a number of variables. in fact, The server allows you to edit and set / change variables to suit your needs. In the same way You can improve MySQL performance by changing the values ​​in the configuration file. in brief You can use a number of methods and shell scripts to optimize your MySQL server. therefore this section describes installing and using a single shell script to optimize MySQL performance.

This performance tuning shell script will help you to optimize your MySQL server on a huge traffic cPanel server.

Installation steps

The MySQL tuner has simple installation steps. although You can download the latest version from HERE.

Step I : SSH to your server as root user.
Step II : wget the latest version.

wget https://launchpad.net/mysql-tuning-primer/trunk/1.6-r1/+download/tuning-primer.sh

Step III : Change the file permission as executable.

chmod 755 tuning-primer.sh

Step IV : Execute the script.


See the attached image which has a sample tuner output.

That’s it ?

The advantages of mysql tuning?

The operations will run smoothly once you have tuned up the database using this script, so these workouts are critical for overall performance and efficiency. If you run into any problems while trying to perform the tuning operations, you can reach server support. Surprisingly, the team is committed to providing the industry’s best server support service.