
Increase Website Performance with these tricks

Speed up website

Guidelines for Increasing the Speed of Your Website

After you’ve tested your website’s performance, you can begin improving it. There are several methods for making your website load quicker, and we have compiled a list of the most efficient ones.

1. Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN)

A content delivery network is a collection of web servers spread across several geographical regions that provide online content to end users based on their location. When a website is hosted on a single server, all user requests are routed to the same hardware. As a result, the time required to process each request grows. Furthermore, load time rises when users are physically distant from the server. CDN redirects user requests to the nearest server. As a result, material is sent to users more quickly, and websites operate more quickly. This is an inexpensive, yet very successful, method of optimising load time.

2. Move your website to a better host

There are three possible types of hosting:

  • Shared hosting
  • Virtual Private Servers (VPS) hosting
  • Dedicated server

Shared hosting is the most popular sort of hosting that is utilised all over the world. That is the cheapest approach to get your site online quickly and at a reasonable cost. It’s essential to choose the fast web host to ensure better optimization. With shared hosting, you share the server’s CPU, disc space, and RAM with other sites. This is the primary reason why shared hosting is slower than VPS or dedicated hosting.

Virtual Private Servers (VPS) and dedicated servers are significantly quicker. For content delivery, VPS makes use of numerous servers. With a VPS, you share the server with other users while having your own section of the virtual server where your customizations do not affect other customers. If your website receives ordinary traffic or if you have an eCommerce site that experiences traffic surges at times, VPS will be the best choice for you.

A dedicated server, which might be your own physical server, is the most expensive hosting option. In this situation, you pay server rent and employ a system administrator to keep it running. Renting dedicated cloud resources from AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google, or another public cloud provider is another option. Both technologies can also be used to provide the hybrid cloud that we just explored. With dedicated servers, all resources are yours alone, and you have complete control over them. Under a variety of packages, cloud infrastructures can also provide infinite and on-demand scalability. Another alternative is serverless architecture, which eliminates the need for maintenance and server setup entirely. Consider reading our separate essay on the intricacies and benefits of serverless architecture.

3. Optimize the image size on your website.

Everyone appreciates eye-catching graphics. Images play a critical role in the success of eCommerce businesses. A plethora of photographs, images, and graphics on your product pages boosts engagement. The disadvantage of using images is that they are typically huge files that slow down a website. The best way to reduce the image size without compromising its quality is to compress images using such tools as ImageOptimJPEGmini, or Kraken. The operation may take some time, but it is well worth it. Another method is to utilise the HTML responsive images <secret> and <size> attributes, which modify image size dependent on user display characteristics.

4. Limit the amount of plugins.

Plugins are essential components of every website. They include third-party-suggested features. Regrettably, the more plugins that are installed, the more resources are required to execute them. As a result, the website runs slower and security risks may arise. As time passes, the number of plugins rises, and some of them may no longer be used. We recommend that you go through all of the plugins you have installed and remove those that are no longer needed. First, run the speed tests on your page to determine which plugins are causing your website to slow down. Not only does the amount of installed plugins affect website speed, but so does their quality. Try to avoid plugins that load a lot of scripts and styles or generate a lot of database queries. The best solution is to keep only the necessary ones and ensure that they are kept up to date.

5. Reduce the amount of JavaScript and CSS files as much as possible.

When your website users wish to access certain files, they will make a huge number of HTTP requests if your website has a big number of JavaScript and CSS files. These requests are handled separately by the visitor’s browser, slowing down the website’s performance. Reducing the number of JavaScript and CSS files will surely improve the performance of your website. Try to combine all JavaScript files into one, as well as all CSS files. This reduces the total number of HTTP requests. There are several tools available to quickly minify HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files.. For instance, you can use  WillPeavyScript Minifier, or Grunt tools.

6. Utilize webpage caching.

When a large number of users view the website at the same time, servers function slowly and take longer to deliver the web page to each user. Caching is the technique of saving the most recent version of your website on the hosting server and displaying it until it is updated. This implies that the web page is not rendered several times for each user. A cached web page does not need to send database requests every time it is accessed. The techniques to website caching differ depending on the platform on which your website is built. For WordPress for instance, you can use the following plugins: W3 Total Cache or W3 Super Cache. If you use VPS or a dedicated server, you can also set up caching under your general settings. In the case of the shared server, the website caching isn’t usually available.

7. Use Gzip Compression

Gzip compression is a powerful tool for reducing file size. It decreases the number of HTTP requests and hence the server response time. Before transmitting the files to the browser, Gzip compresses them. A browser unzips the files and displays the contents to the user. This strategy is applicable to all files on your website. Gzip may be enabled on your website by adding a few lines of code or by using a programme called gzip.

8. Database optimization in CMS

Database optimization is an efficient approach to boost performance. When you utilise a content management system (CMS) with several complicated plugins, the database size grows and your website becomes slower. For example, the WordPress CMS keeps comments, blog entries, and other information that consumes a lot of storage space. Each CMS necessitates its own set of optimization procedures, as well as a set of unique plugins.. For WordPress, for example, you may consider WP-Optimize.

9. Reduce the use of web fonts

Web fonts have become very popular in website design. Unfortunately, the usage of web fonts has a detrimental influence on website rendering performance. Web fonts increase the number of HTTP queries to external resources. The following steps will assist you in reducing the size of online font traffic:

  • Use modern formats WOFF2 for modern browsers;
  • Include only those character sets that are used on the site;
  • Choose only the needed styles

10. Identify 404 errors

A 404 error indicates that a “page could not be located.” When the accessed content of a page no longer exists, the hosting provider sends this notification to browsers or search engines. You may use error detection tools and plugins to identify and repair 404 errors. As previously said, adding plugins might have a detrimental impact on your website’s performance, thus we recommend running the resource through external error detection tools. For instance, Xenu’s Link SleuthGoogle Webmaster Tools (GWT), and 404 Redirected Plugin For WordPress.   Once you’ve identified all 404 errors, you must evaluate the traffic they produce. If these defunct links no longer generate any traffic and hence never require server resources, you may leave them alone. If these pages continue to receive traffic, try redirecting external links and updating internal link addresses.

11. Eliminate redirects

Website redirection generate additional HTTP requests, which degrade speed. We recommend limiting or eliminating them totally. To begin, conduct a site scan to detect any redirects on your website. Screaming Frog can help you rapidly identify redirection. Then you must determine whether they are required and just keep the crucial ones.

12. Make use of prefetching methods.

Prefetching is the process of reading and executing instructions before they are initiated by the user. The method is rather widespread. It works well if you can anticipate user activities and, for example, pre-load certain material or links. Prefetching is usually enabled by default in current browsers since they presume user behaviour patterns. UX professionals and engineers, on the other hand, are more likely to understand user behaviour and provide “hints” for browsers to undertake prefetching work. There are three main types of prefetching: DNS-prefetching. Domains are pre-resolved into IP addresses as part of the technique. Prefetching of links. You may use this form of prefetching if you are certain that a user will click on a certain link to travel to a specific page. The approach is useful for consistent user journey behaviours, such as switching to the shopping cart page after adding one or more products. Prerendering. This method entails pre-rendering a full page or part of its components. While prefetching is useful, it needs extensive user behaviour study in order to make exact assumptions.


Currently, the average user expects web pages to load in less than 3 seconds. If you fail to match this expectation, you will lose a lot of internet visitors and, as a result, money. As a result, we propose following a basic yet efficient website performance optimization strategy:

  1. Check and assess the important success elements for your website, taking conversion, visibility, and usability into account.
  2. Test the current performance of your website and prioritise the pages and features that require the most attention in terms of these three parameters.
  3. Begin your optimization with the most time-consuming parts and concentrate on the pages that have the most impact on your conversion success.

Here are the best free, public DNS Services you can use in 2022 to boost your internet speed

While Using these DNS services, you can speed up and safeguard your browsing.

DNS Service

If you’re unfamiliar with DNS servers, the DNS, or Domain Name System, is a protocol or system that converts domain names entered into a browser into the IP addresses required to visit those websites.

With a free and public DNS, you’ll experience much fewer technical problems and much faster browsing. Additionally, some of them include security measures like blocking malicious or phishing websites and content screening.

1. Cloudflare

The Cloudflare BlogCloudflare is a global network designed to make everything you connect to the Internet secure, private, fast, and reliable. Cloudflare will safeguard your company networks, employees, and devices by securing your websites, APIs, and Internet applications. Cloudflare has the ability to write and deploy network edge code.


  • Excellent performance
  • Community support forum
  • High Privacy Mesurements


2. Google Public DNS

Troubleshooting | Public DNS | Google DevelopersIf you choose to use Google Public DNS, your client applications will use Google Public DNS for all DNS lookups. In other words, it functions as a recursive name server. It was announced on 3 December 2009 that Google would be offering Public DNS as part of its effort to “make the web faster and more secure”.


  • Transparency is commendable
  • Solid Privacy


3. Quad9

Quad9 and Your Data | Quad9Quad9 is a free service that changes your ISP’s or company’s default Domain Name Server settings. in addition, Quad9 prohibits lookups of malicious hostnames from an up-to-date list of threats


  • High levels of performance
  • Malicious domains are blocked


4. OpenDNS

DNS Server | Cloud Security Content Filtering | DNS Servers | Open DNS |  Malware ProtectionOpenDNS is an American firm that provides DNS resolution services, including phishing prevention, optional content screening, and DNS lookup through its DNS servers.


  • Operator with vast experience.
  • By default, phishing sites are prohibited.


5. Comodo Secure DNS

File:Comodo-Secure-DNS.jpg - Wikimedia CommonsComodo Secure DNS is a domain name resolution service that resolves your Secure DNS queries through our global network of redundant DNS security servers, providing you with the most dependable fully redundant DNS service available.


  • Prioritize safety.
  • Using parked domains intelligently

How to Migrate Email from cPanel to cPanel

When transferring accounts between servers, transferring of email accounts is quite different. Transferring data from one server to another is technically called migration even if it is full website or email accounts or databases. When you perform a full website migration of a cPanel account, you do not need to migrate the emails manually. The cPanel transfer will migrate the email accounts also. As we know, there can be DNS propagation after a DNS change when you migrate your website. In the DNS propagation time, some of the emails coming to your email address may be directed to the old server and some of them to the new server. It should be ensured that you do not loss any valuable emails. This is what makes the email migration different from other migrations. Let’s see how the email account transfer is done for both cPanel and non-cPanel accounts.

Email Migration

Email migration can be performed in two ways, You can either utilize the cPanel interface or use the command line prompt.

In this article we are going to take a look on how to Migrate Email from cpanel in order to navigate this process.

Follow the ensuing steps below:

Step 1: Backing up email directories

The first step in the email migration is to backup email directories present in the old server.

1) Login to cPanel interface for the account in question in the old server.

2) Open ‘File Manager’ under the section ‘Files’.

3) Go ‘Up One Level’ above public_html.

4) You can see the mail directory there. Enter into the directory.

5) Right click on the directory and click on the option available to compress the directory.

6) Now, download the compressed file to your computer.

Step 2: Restore email backups

1) Login to the cPanel interface of the new server.

2) Create the email accounts just as you did in the old server. You can create email accounts from the ‘Email Accounts’ section under the ‘Mail’ category.

3) Open ‘File Manager’ under the section ‘Files’.

4) Go ‘Up One Level’ above public_html and you can see the mail directory there. Enter into the directory.

5) Upload the email backup file to the directory.

6) Unzip the backup file and the delete the zip file.

7) Open Webmail and configure it to display the new email folders.

If you need any further assistance please contact our support department.

AWS Global Accelerator Setup

AWS Global Accelerator is a service that improves the availability and performance of applications with local or global users. It takes advantage of the AWS backbone network to route traffic to the most appropriate destinations throughout the AWS global network.

By mapping application endpoints to static anycast IP addresses, Global Accelerator directs users to Internet apps.

Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) is used to advertise static IP addresses internationally, removing the complexity associated with DNS-based traffic routing.

AWS Global Accelerator provides static anycast IP addresses that act as a fixed entry point to your applications. These static IP addresses are anycast from AWS edge locations and announce to the internet from multiple AWS Regions. The IP addresses are associated with an accelerator, so you can add or remove endpoints as needed without having to update DNS names.

We have seen a lot of questions lately about AWS Global Accelerator. We wanted to create a simple tutorial to assist you to understand the service. This will undoubtedly benefit you.

Global Accelerator is a good choice if you have an application hosted on resources in more than one AWS Region. such as multiple Amazon EC2 instances, Elastic Load Balancing load balancers, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling groups, or Elastic IP addresses.

Global Accelerator provides you with static IP addresses for use inside and outside of AWS. You can configure these addresses as DNS names with your Domain Name System (DNS) service provider

Here are the steps to set up AWS Global Accelerator.

  • Firstly, launch the AWS Global Accelerator console. You may access it by selecting Services from the top menu and then selecting Global Accelerator from the Networking & Content Delivery section. Simply click Get started from there.
  •  Next, choose the deployment option that best fits your needs. There are two options: single accelerator and multiple accelerators. We’ll cover both of them here.
  •  If you choose Single accelerator, you’ll be asked to enter the name of your accelerator, a description of your accelerator, and any tags to add to your accelerator. You’ll also have to specify the supported IP address types for your application—that is, IPv4 addresses or both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses—and then click Next.
  •  Now you can add listeners for your accelerator. A listener routes inbound traffic from clients to one or more endpoint groups that you define, based on rules that you specify. Listener rules enable you to route traffic intended for specific ports on an endpoint group through a specific port on the listener. As a result, each listener rule requires an action and a rule condition that determines which requests it applies to. To learn more about listener rules, see Working with Listener Rules


Do you need assistance in configuring AWS Global Accelerator? If so, our team is ready to assist you! server supportz can assist you with all AWS-related issues in no time.

At server supportz, we understand how difficult it can be to run a business, especially when there are so many moving parts to keep track of.  So you can focus on what matters most: your business.

We’re available 24/7 and have a 100% satisfaction guarantee.


WordPress Introduces a New Performance Plugin

WordPress has released an official plugin that aids in website speed. Publishers can test and provide comments on the new beta features. The name of the plugin is Performance Lab. It was created by the WordPress performance team to aid in the speeding up of WordPress sites. The plugin allows publishers to use new upgrades before they are integrated into the core of WordPress.

Performance lab

Performance Lab plugin

The Performance Lab plugin grants access to WordPress enhancements aimed to assist publishers in speeding up their websites. It works as well as diagnosing issues that may be holding them down. The plugin itself is developed in a modular approach, so it is allowing publishers to pick and choose which enhancements to apply. nyway, The plugin’s new features are expected to be included in a future edition of WordPress.

WordPress believes that by releasing these new capabilities early in the form of a plugin, so they will be able to get input on any possible difficulties. Normally, new features are distributed as distinct plugins. WordPress opted to bundle all of the new performance improvements into a single plugin, Additionally allowing publishers to select which new capabilities to enable from a single central location, within a single plugin.

The new Performance Lab plugin is divided into four components.

WebP Uploads

Converts newly uploaded JPEG files to the quicker WebP format. The functionality is reliant on WebP server support.

WebP Compatibility

This is a site health module that checks if the server supports WebP and displays a warning if it does not.

Persistent Object Cache Health Check

this is a module that performs site health assessment and may recommend the usage of object caching. With The Result that Object caching reduces the amount of time, it takes for the site to reply, reduces database load, and speeds up the website for users.

Audit Enqueued Assets (experimental)

It Performs an audit of the CSS and JavaScript files that are enqueued on the home page. So This aids in the identification of unneeded CSS and JavaScrip files that may slow down a website.
According to the plugin download page, the plugin has been tested and should be safe to use on a live production site. While at least three of the modules are not labeled experimental, and all of them are regarded as stable and unlikely to destroy a site, the major goal of the plugin is to allow publishers to offer input on the modules before they are included directly into the WordPress core.