How to add OpenVZ templates to the SolusVM?
Step:1 Connect to the SolusVM Master server via SSH
Step:2 Change directory to /vz/template/cache directory
cd /vz/template/cache/
Step:3 Download pre-created template from the listed on the OpenVZ site
ls -l /vz/template/cache/centos-7-x86_64-minimal.tar.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 145639219 Nov 27 2016 /vz/template/cache/centos-7-x86_64-minimal.tar.gz
Step:4 Then, log in to the SolusVM web interface and navigate to Dashboard > Media > Add OpenVZ Template.
Step:5 Select the uploaded template from the drop-down menu next to the Template field, fill in the Name, Description, and Arch fields, and then click the Add Template button.
If there are any slave OpenVZ nodes, the templates must be synchronised with the Master nodes.
Navigate to the Dashboard > Media > Media Sync > Create tab in the SolusVM Master web interface.
Select the template and OpenVZ slave node
Select the Create Sync Job option.
WARNING: Check to see if the directory /vz/templates/cache/ exists on the slave server, and if not, create it. Otherwise, the task of synchronisation will fail.